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Sustanon 250 mg injection is used to treat conditions caused by low levels of testosterone hormone in men. It is used to treat a variety of conditions including low testosterone, hypogonadism, testicular torsion and benign prostate enlargement. The male hormone testosterone prevents the development of prostate cancer, but with normal levels it can suppress the growth of small, benign prostate tumors. What are the Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy? The side effects of testosterone replacement therapy include changes in hair growth, acne, hair loss, weight gain, body hair growth, hot flashes and increased libido. Most of these side effects are temporary and usually resolve, but in some cases they continue as the medication wears off. In rare cases, a rare type of side effect or a combination of side effects can result in a blood clot. If you develop symptoms of a blood clot, stop taking Depo Provera and call your doctor right away. If you do not want to stop using testosterone during treatment with Depo Provera you should consult your healthcare provider and discuss any safety issues such as the number and timing of testosterone injections, when they may be stopped, and how often you should take them. What are the possible long term side effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy? While it is possible to stop the use of Depo Provera over a period of time with the correct dosage, it is not usually recommended. There is no safe or effective way to reverse the effects of testosterone replacement therapy with your doctor or with other medications. In rare cases, a rare type of blood clot has been caused by the use of testosterone and Depo Provera. These types of clot usually resolve with the medication stopping. It is rare for blood clots to spread or become more severe and could prevent the formation of a blood clot in a heart attack or stroke. If you choose to stop using testosterone or the use of any other medicines for over a year, your healthcare provider is likely to use aggressive measures to stop the growth of prostate cancer or any other symptoms of a blood clot (stent placement, or a vasectomy). You should continue to take your medicine every day to reduce the chance of side effects. After a year or so you will not know when you can stop taking the medication. The following side effects of Depo Provera may occur: Headache Nausea Weight loss Fatigue Unexplained fatigue Difficulty concentrating Dizziness or fainting Related Article: