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Back to the future 3 is shown in the movie appreciation with family who went through several times a year. I borrowed part 1 and 2 after I got home. The stimulation and excitement that American film produces is great, and the best hit of the time was Forest Gump Big Indiana Jones perfect world Diehard. Especially the big movie was influenced and the American dream which I was drawing was also exactly a fantasy close to this. Currently American film is my favorite thing and I have seen a huge amount of works so far. I also analyzed myself by saying that it was not because it actually spurred what I absorbed in the Americas, but I do not know. I think that many international students set high goals and got on board, but I imagined myself speaking English language fluently. There was a part that I felt now thinking that learning ability is remarkably inferior to other international students though there is no such thing as this, but I did not mind at all. 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The bowls often go with friends, getting their own space with football who was silent only since elementary school days. Because I could not argue that I wanted to do the goalkeeper who was doing for many years because I could not speak the words, I played in the field since elementary school third grade. From the following year I worked regularly with one army and in the final grade I was given the captain and got a place I could feel comfortable at school. Autumn season is soccer winter snowboarding Spring rugby, waking up to muscle train, in the last years we also set up time to draw art activity pictures. School classes eventually did not interest me and I disliked it. My favorite thing is to meet a lot of people anyway and talk to the progress of English pronunciation, I want to grasp the background of that person, I am going to take a break on climbing someone’s house rather than returning to Japan I chose. 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